Monday, October 15, 2007


Zia is from India and has been in Kuwait for 20 years supporting his family.  Every month he sends the majority of his meager earnings to his family back home.  He is supporting his own family, his parents and also is putting his son through the university as he studies telecommunications.  It is Zia's hope that once his son completes his studies, that he to will be able to support the family.  Zia's earnings have remained the same for many years, with no recent pay increases and no prospects in the near future.  Even though his income is is just a few dollars per day, he is able to support himself and his family.  The money he sends home goes a long way in providing for the family needs.  What Zia, keeps for himself, enables him to share an apartment with several others in the same situation.  He has maintained a relatively flat lifestyle revolving around work with very little time to himself.  But this is his choice; a spartan life, that provides for his family and loved ones at the expense of his goals and dreams.

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