There are two types of travelers; those who have experienced airport layovers and those that will! A layover is sorta like life, it is what you make of it. And like life, it presents challenges, color, interactions, stress and joy. A layover will bore you to tears and excite the senses at the same moment. Depending where you are will also provide you with a duplicate image of life. From the highly pampered first class guest to the nameless coach occupant layover life mirrors real world life, from 5-star guest facilities to sleeping on benches. Dinning pleasures go from catered 5 course meals to waiting in line in the food court. Shopping offers something for everyone too. Watches...Rolex to Timex, Wall Street Journal to Mad magazine, beverages available from water to ridiculously priced wine....hell both are available at a ridiculously high price! Sounds and spoken words are from a baby crying to a group of travelers conversing in their native languages; the drown of the woman on the public address system announcing flight changes and gate times to the beep-beep of the service carts racing up and down the concourses amazingly missing all the thousands of individuals walking (or running) in the paths of the daredevils controlling those damn carts. Colors and costumes also run the gamete; from bright multi-colored robes and head dress to the lifeless business goer splashed in gray. Wherever you find yourself experiencing a layover you are also experiencing a special slice of life that many will never experience. Embrace a layover, not with dread and frustration, but with the drive of an explorer! Seek out the new and unique, the different and exciting opportunities that are part of the airport life. Again, just as in life, your experience and journey is what YOU make of it...enjoy!
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